Perfect Rage (Unyielding, #3)

*****5 Shutterbug stars*****

So freaking good!!!!!!!!! I think everyone who read this series was excited to read Connor's story, and once again Nashoda delivered she gave us a story that I just couldn’t put down. As usual her writing was perfect,she always gets everything right I really couldn't stop reading. The story sucks you in from the first till the very last page. When I was done I wanted to read more I didn't want to say goodbye to these amazing characters.

I love to read about broken/ imperfect characters and Connor was that. What he had suffered was so unfair and sad, he was beyond broken, he was full of rage, hate and remorse. But he was also a charmer and so lovable you will fall in love with him after a few pages. Connor and Alina journey was full of pain, loyalty, remorse and love.
"I'm fuckin' dead, damn it. There's nothing left of me except raw, jagged pieces of a man I hate."
Who doesn't love to read about a girl fighting for the man she loves and man fighting his demons so he can be with the woman he loves.
Both of us searching for what we'd never found-simple. A love with no pain. A love that brings us together not tears us apart. A love uncomplicated. But like he said, we didn't get simple. We didn't get the white picket fence. We didn't get the happily ever after."
I loved seeing all of the characters from the previous books in this series and Kai and the goat was just so funny The epilogue was just beautiful, I know this series could end with Perfect Rage but I do hope Nashoda will continue! ღ ~Arc provided by the author in exchange for an honest review ~ღ