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✴Interview with upcoming talented writer Natalya Orekhov following her latest release Symbol of Rede


Symbol of Redemption is the highly anticipated conclusion to Symbol of Treason. Don’t miss the finale that will have you screaming. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, well…, that’s debatable. As The Brotherhood closes in, the stakes are as high as they come. Everyone is on edge, and Alice finds herself more lost than ever as her heart is torn to shreds. She’s desperate to discover all that was Logan Snow before he became the monster she married. But Logan refuses to give her any insights into his former life, knowing full well that once everything is revealed, Alice will be gone. Will Alice find the strength to fight to the end, or will the truths of the past prove too much to bear? Will Logan find a way to save them from a war determined to destroy them, or was the battlefield rigged from the beginning? And when you’re faced with your own mortality, will forgiveness wash over you, or will you take vengeance to your very grave? Author’s Note: This story deals with heavy subject matter such as rape, murder, and slavery. This is not a work of erotica, but it is also not intended for an audience under the age of 18. Despite the dark undertone, there is hope; iron-will that will prevail. This is the second book in the Symbols Duet series with a HEA. Please be advised. For your interest I am deeply grateful. Wishing you a meaningful journey of discovery and an abundance of joy.



Interview with upcoming talented writer Natalya Orekhov following her latest release Symbol of Redemption in SYMBOLS DUET series.

Hi Natalya, or can I call you Nat, for short *wink*...thank you for accepting to do this interview on The Sirens Book Reviews blog, it means a great deal to us and I hope we'll bring you more closer to the future huge fan base!

1.Can you tell us in your own words who is the person behind the name Natalya Orekhov? Hmm...A hopeless romantic would sum me up pretty quickly! 

I'm foremost a Mother, a wife, a daughter, and a friend. I have four siblings, my husband has five, and between both of us there are seventeen nieces and nephews. My favorite holiday is Christmas, favorite color is green, and my designated cleaning day has been Thursday for over a decade! I tend to be a helicopter Mom, love animals, hate snakes, prefer flip-flops over heels and had a severe crush on Peter Pan as a kid. NeverLand still calls out to me!

2.Is Natalya/Nat any different than the Natalya Orekhov – a writing persona?

Well, Natalya Orekhov isn't a pen name but it's an interesting question. I suppose there's no difference between me and my Author persona. As an author I strive to give my characters a HEA. Desperate for goodness, kindness, and love to ultimately prevail. In real life, I'm much the same. I ache to see the good in people, wish them happiness, and spread joy because it makes me happy too.

3.What made you start writing in the first place?

I was a rather lonely child growing up despite having many siblings. Whenever I felt like I wasn't being understood or that my voice wasn't being heard; I'd write. Pour my feelings, thoughts and wishes to pen and paper. More often than not the letters never made it to their intended recipientsents but the process was no less a healing process for me. I love reading romance; hands down it's my favorite genre. But I found myself increasingly frustrated. Why was the heroine always smoking HOT? With a body fit for a goddess? With lips that seduced with one kiss and hair that only pointed out how much better it was than my own?! Though the chemistry was usually there, I felt my soul was being ignored altogether. Sex was more often than not the forefront of what was being called love. The couple meets, has sex a lot and then realize they love each other. I wanted more. I wanted a story, a plot, complex characters, and a love that didnt rely on sex and outer beauty. Love is fundamental to what makes us human: it's complex, mysterious, and almost mystical. Stories had always floated inside my head like film rolling relentlessly. So in a way it was my growing frustration with mainstream contemporary romance which pushed me to finally write a full length novel. Though it was my husband's unconditional encouragement which allowed me to complete it!

4.Can you share a little bit of a writing process you have as a young growing author? Do you have a strict schedule of writing or do you go hectic and write when „it comes“ to you?

I find I'm most efficient and creative between 8am-2pm. Unfortunately for me, this time is monopolized by my children! My schedule is all over the place, but mostly I write after my bundles-of-joy are sound asleep. It takes me longer to get into the necessary mind-set, but what's a Mommy to do?! 

5.Your first book called Symbol of Treason is a part of a double series Symbols Duet. Did you know from the start that you'd make two books as a part of a doublet/series as oppose to many authors writing only stand-alone books or a trilogy?

It's funny you ask. Initially it was meant to be a trilogy. But as the story unfolded, I ultimately decided it was better suited as a duet. You'll notice that Symbol of Treason is about 100 pages longer than Symbol of Redemption because it had been two books merged into one.

6.How did you choose the subject/theme for your first book?

I wonder if I chose it, or if it chose me? It was in my head. The scenes played out like a movie that was always rolling. Details changed, but the subject matter was always the same: dark, heartbreaking, and in the end, full of hope.

7.Can you tell us something about Symbol of Treason and Symbol of Redemption?

Symbol of Treason was originally titled The Bastard Daughter. Symbol of Redemption originally included the death of an additional character. Ultimately I changed it because it bothered me to the point of losing sleep!

Fun Fact: During the writing process, I ended up deleting about 10x more words than ended up being printed in Symbol of Treason (call it creative process ).

8. They both represent more than the words written in them, can you let us IN behind the symbolism of your words? What do they represent to you? Recently my husband and I have been watching a documentary series called Woman with Gloria Steinem (though there have been many series before this one). Particularly the episode titled: Mama Masika's Sanctuary for Rape Survivors in the DRC. If anyone has the desire to look it up, I encourage you. Watching these women as they spoke about the atrocities imposed onto them, their children, their families...I couldn't begin to describe the emotions, the tears, and the anger I felt. These women are warriors, survivors, messengers of a world full of violence and injustice to people like myself who live a relatively peaceful and happy life. Life can be utterly beautiful, and with that same token it can be like a recurring nightmare; and most of us have very little say in the matters of circumstance such as birth place and government. I've read a good deal of mafia themed books. I've enjoyed many of them but if completely honest, I hate it when the crime world is romanticized. Perhaps I've been tainted with real life experiences of what corruption really means, perhaps its something else entirely. Either way, I made a point of depicting The Red Brotherhood as vile. These organizations are as evil as they come and I had no intention of painting it as anything else. This may be fiction, but there are certain lines my conscience will not cross.

9. Your both books deal with „dark“ subjects but it's your writing style that makes a huge difference in the way those subjects are presented. It's very rare as it's poetic and lyrical and not many authors write in such manner cause it's basically complex and to put it simply, somewhat hard to follow BUT if done RIGHT, it can be exhilarating and overwhelming for a reader while immersed in the story. How does it work for you? Is it more captivating while you write or while you re-read what you wrote? The human spirit is more than a word. It's a feeling that moves you and demands action. Your soul isn't merely a phrase but a living entity. There are dozens of layers of complexity within the story. Riddled with parallels ready for dissection and discussion. Perfect for buddy reads or book clubs. The writing style comes natural to me. In all honesty, until bloggers/reviewers pointed it out, I hadn't realized it was lyrical at all. Words move me. They can call me to action or bring me to tears. Words are in a way, too, a living entity. Think of your favorite think of this film without any soundtrack. None. Not a single musical note. Films rely heavily on music to deepen or highlight the story. In a book, all you have are words. Words are art. They hold the ability to hurt and heal. To hate and to love. To make us sing or shut us up. I simply made my words sing . 10. I personally LOVE that kind of writing style cause for me, it brings out another level of mystery, sort of speak, the given subjects don't seem so blunt but it's like they are covered with an alluring mist and then you are sucked in it, without even noticing, so the possible hard topics are not straight into your face but you still feel them as real. That's how I go through it, BUT how does it really look like while you are writing the „hard limit“ topics? Thank you, Snow! Knowing you loved the writing is better than an all-you-can-eat-chocolate-buffet! Life in general is „dark“, and yet we all want to keep living. With the millions of statistics of murders, rapes, and atrocities I can't bring myself to speak of...all it takes is the smile of an innocent child and my heart fills with hope. I suppose that's how I see life. The „dark“ is always there, but hope transcends it all. I had a difficult labor and delivery with both my children. I've had three miscarriages and ultimately it was in my health best interest not to have any more children. While in labor, I was afraid...terrified, and yet the moment my baby arrived nothing matters, not my pain, not the possibilities of other complications, I would give my life for my children: then and now. Somehow the beauties of this life shine brighter than the uglies, that what makes the ugly times bearable.

11. I also believe that the way you write sets you apart from the other authors and the „lyrical/poetic“ style being the least apprehensive and not much favorable, knowing that, if offered the world's fame, would you alter your writing style?

Ahhh! If I said I don't dream of climbing that New York Times Bestsellers List, I'd be a big fat liar! I will always strive to improve my craft, but I've come to realize that my style of writing is very much a part of me. The hopeless romantic in me believes that there are many readers out there who are searching for that bridge between historical and contemporary romance. Offering deep story-lines and characters as complex as they are worth reading about! One can dream, right?! I chose not to underestimate the readership. I've read many books by talented author Kristen Ashley. Most will tell you she has a very specific writing style, and a loyal following of readers who love it. Not everyone loves it, but for her readers, she fulfills that need. I can only hope that I will be given the chance to fulfill the need for those readers out there needing a writing style that takes you on a journey where words sing.

12. How did you decide on the story line for your first book? The major points of the story had been in my head from the beginning so it more or less became a puzzle of how I would make it flow or fit the pieces together. I'll be honest, I re-wrote nearly everything. It took me a while to get out of trying to write what I „thought“ would sell and what was „genuine“ to these characters. Once I allowed the story to „lead“, things began to come together. I never intended it to be as dark as it ended up, but felt a duty to be true to these characters.

13. Did the characters come to your mind first or the idea? Both, I think? They're rather very entwined. I knew who Alice was, but much of her character, was a bi-product of what she'd lived through. In a way, they became one in the same.

14. What was the original idea that popped up in your head that eventually became the storyline? Suffering, death, compassion...once you stripped away good looks, sex, parties, Fifth Avenue shopping and angst...what's left? What binds two human beings so tightly together it convinces the reader that their love will overcome anything and everything? That's what drove me. To show love is far more complex, but so worth it in the end.

15. Your main characters are both complex people that go through hardship and are basically altered and covered with masked layers to give them a resemblance of a „way out“ and to keep going and yet the „connection“ they feel when they first see each other was the recognition of the inner self in one another, that moment in the book, was the most perfect moment ever written, and I could actually feel the notion of that link. How hard/easy was it to write that part? Was that a glimpse of your emotions in it? How much of you is there in your characters? Can you elaborate? It was indeed a monumental moment and therefore I worried over it a great deal. How do you convey via text, emotions so raw you're afraid to admit you feel them at all? You're correct; a part of myself spilled into those scenes. Today (9/18/2016) my husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. Since before our wedding, every so often I'd have a dream where I wasn't his wife. The details would change but the main point always remained that I couldn't be with him. Sometimes I was married to someone else, other times, he wasn't even a living person within my dream. During these dreams I would feel what I could only describe as agony. I felt an emptiness, a desperate need to cry and scream and find this other piece of me that I felt was missing for reasons I couldn't understand while dreaming. After waking, I'd be emotionally shaken for hours, sometimes days. My husband is truly a part of me, a part of my soul. I sense his longing to be home when he's traveling for work and if I haven't heard from him when I should have, tears are never far behind because the mere thought of not having him is enough to bring me to my knees. We in many ways are opposites and therefore we even each other out. Where he is weak, I'm strong. Where I struggle, he soars for us both. Love is like that. It's real, and complicated, and complex, and so beautiful.

16 The emotional depth of your characters grows gradually from book 1 to book 2 - Symbol of Redemption, as the span of emotional cluster is truly wide - from self-deprecation, guilt, blame, doubt, fear – towards the more liberating ones - love, hope, redemption, forgiveness, self-appreciation...How „liberating/crippling“ was the whole process of writing those emotions? It was a challenge. When finishing each novel I made a list nearly three pages long, asking myself if I'd accomplished x, y, and z. I had to succeed. Their growth was fundamental, it had to convey the complexity of their struggles and the humility of their successes. The most important question was always: did I remain true to the characters? I believe I did; I listened faithful to who they were and where their journey led. So to answer your question: both. Without the crippling part, liberation would have no need to come at all.

17.Do you feel like you have achieved something new“ in the notion of yourself as a person while you write about it or does it all stay in the „writer only“ box? I feel I've grown as an individual. Allison's resilience is inspiring. Logan's devotion lights a fierce flame for conviction within me as well. In many ways I'd journeyed alongside Alice and Logan and therefore, I couldn't possibly have remained unaffected.

18. Is the main female character Nadia/Allison „Alice“ based on you or someone else? In which parts and why? Allison represents many people I've known in my life, including myself. Her struggles aren't as foreign to me as I'd like but I'm certain most people are familiar with life's less kind side. Despite having known grief, self hatred, and feeling 100% out of place...I've also known true compassion, friendship, and conviction in all that is good.

19. What did you gain back as a personal gratification from your books? 61. I suppose in any case, it was a tremendous accomplishment. Aside from that, it tought me much about myself. What I believe is possible, what I'm willing to fight far I'm willing to go. I admired the relationship Alice and Logan built despite all that stood in their way. It was an experience that reached beyond „work“, and along the way, became inspiration.

20. Is it more that you wanna give the readers a message based on your own lived experience or just the general notion you agree with or support through out the words and emotions in your books? I'm not one to teach anyone anything. Lord knows I'm not likely qualified to offer any advice But if just sharing my thoughts...I'm often sad by what I find in the romance genre within the YA, NA and Adult catagories (because that's usually what I read). Often times I end up feeling empty as I finish a book. Don't get me wrong, they're entertaining enough, but they wouldn't feed me. The formula seems to always be the same. Hot man, hot woman, sex, angst, more sex, a bit of conversation, fight, sex, night-club scene, the alpha male doing something more frightening than endearing, more sex, I love you's, the end. More or less.

Where is the growth that leads to love? What is love? Is it chemistry? Orgasms? Your girlfriends being jealous of how hot your man is? Other men wanting to snag your woman for themselves? What? Where is human growth? Where are the aches, the compassion, the sacrifices? Surely I can't be the only one who demands more than sex in my romance? Can I? I refuse to believe that I am. 21 How difficult was to make a decision to go public with your first book? Ha! You'd think after the years I'd put into the book I'd have been screaming off mountain tops about it. Sadly that wasn't the case. None of my family or friends knew I'd published anything. Some knew I'd been working on a book, but almost in an abstract way, like scrap booking, just something I dabbled in but would never actually complete. About a month after I'd published Symbol of Treason my husband gave me an ultimatum: I either tell family about my accomplishment, or he would. I finally told them after Christmas. I felt exposed, naked almost. To this day, if someone asks me in person about my books, I have to force myself not to shy away or change the subject. Perhaps that's why I didn't do much advertising when Symbol of Treason was released. I regret that, and working on getting better.

22. What were the emotions you went through before and after you pressed publish“?

Fear, shyness, nervousness...would readers see what I'd poured into the story? Would they love it? Hate it? Would I be judged? Would I judge myself? Did I stay true to the characters and their story? Excitement. Joy. A sense of accomplishment. I'd worked hard, and there was a need to acknowledge that.

23. Do you think the potential success would make you more „flexible“ to the „requests“ of the public/audience? I will always welcome the public/audiences'/reader's thoughts and requests. It's important to me to understand what the reader is getting out of my book, or missing, or hating about it. Being flexible I suppose is open to interpretation. There's always room for improvement, which I will always strive for but there are key components to my writing I believe I'll never alter: love above sex, plot over angst, and character development/growth. Those aspects, I hope, I'll never stray from.

24. The main male character – Logan, I personally, had an instant pull toward him, even though he was actually a closed shell with only glimpses of emotions slipping though the cracks of armor he hid under and yet he was the epitome of a dedicated strong man, devoted to protect and sacrifice. All hidden in a flesh of a man who hardened himself through out the events in his life only to let him shine in the end. Those „glimpses“ of emotions Logan is showing through out the book 1 are not easy to spot or feel cause they are not as evident and in plain sight, he's not your typical alpha male and yet he's more than just alpha...I admire you for achieving that, cause at times it did seem like the actions/emotions were abruptly cut with sentences in the story... So, how hard was the process of making him so complex? Did you worry that he wouldn't be perceived as a „in depth enough“ character? Snow, it's questions like this one (and many before it) that warm my heart. You saw, felt, loved what I could only hope a reader would. Please don't get me wrong, I love me some angst, dirty talk, and some wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am stories where the male lead acts like an ape of a man, toss's his woman over his shoulder and saunters off! Truly, I do. Just like I don't eat a single flavor of ice cream year round, we all need a bit of variety! But ask any woman who's been actually dictated to on what to wear, where to go, who she could and couldn't speak to, or what she could or couldn't say; ask if she liked it? Now ask her if the man was the hottest man alive, would it make a difference? I believe most women who've lived through this, would answer a resound, NO! Yes, it took a great deal of shaping to achieve these characteristics. Possibly because what we call the Alpha Male in contemporary romance had been so ingrained in my mind, that it took much effort in shattering those standards. From that, emerged the Better Alpha Male. Where the Heroine isn't dissolved into a decorative piece of furniture, and it doesn't have to be all-or-nothing. It can be both. With that said; I also needed more. I needed a male lead who was strong, brilliant, devoted, supportive, and didn't become „I'm the man; I make decisions while you concentrate on looking pretty; my penis makes all women scream so bow at my feet“ type asshole. Because lets face it; often times what the male lead does in a book causes us to swoon, when in real life the exact same actions would have us calling the cops faster than we could count to 3! Yes, there's a double standard there, but because it's fiction we ladies are willing to overlook it, right? I can too, sometimes. Love isn't about how you control someone, but rather the sacrifices you're willing to make for them. Logan was always in control, a man of few concessions; driven to execute his long saught vengence. His love for Alice shines for the very reason that he refuses himself the right to overpower her, take away her equal say in the matter, her ability to be a strong woman/character. For that, he's far better than your usual Alpha Male.

25.I guess, we need to address the „sex scenes“ in the books as well. LOL And I want to make a point here, there aren't any „sex“ scenes, per se, there are „love“ scenes instead. And I LOVED it. It's like in a movie, when you watch two people come together as one without explicit content but you are still enveloped in a warm blanket feeling soft tingles on your skin and you are elevated and in bliss from heightened sense of fulfillment in the most natural of ways – when you feel LOVED. That's how I perceived the „love“ scenes in your books. Now, tell me, from your writer perspective, would it be „easier“ to achieve „that emotion“ while writing the explicit sex scene or would there be a more basic instinct effect – arousal, flush, primal instinctive pull for a release? Snow, you're brilliant!!! Yes, that's exactly what they are; Love Scenes! You hit it spot on! It would be unfair of me to say I could write sex scenes and achieve a better effect, because not every author can write a „good“ sex scene and I don't know if I'm one of them without having some of my „dirty“ work reviewed by ladies like you first! Sex sells. It's a fact. And the fact that the Symbols Duet lacks „sex“ scenes plays against me on the grand scale. I may find that sad and unfortunate, but it's no less true. With all that, I wouldn't change it. I stated before that this story is about more than flesh and screams of pleasure. Love has so many dimensions, flesh is merely one of them and there is an ocean full of books out there that will deliver readers literary sex. But for the readers who are looking for more; more love, deeper connections, heart and soul...that's where the Symbols Duet can step in and accommodate!

26. How long did it take for you to write the first draft of Symbol of Treason? How about Symbol of Redemption? Which was easier/harder to write/finish? Symbol of Treason took nearly 3 years before it was published on November 25th 2015. Many factors contributed to the timeline. I'm a Mommy, a wife, and still had all sorts of responsibilities and little jobs from dispatching, accounting, baking...etc. Symbol of Redemption took about 10 months to publication date of September 16th, 2016. It was by far easier than the first book. I'd already become well acquainted with all the characters, their voices had ingrained themselves into my mind and heart, and because the groundwork was layed out in the first book, I could focus more on the action in book two. It was a pleasure to write both books. I feel honored, really. And despite being the author of these characters, their journey is no less profound to me as well.

27. A few quickies – LOL Coffee or tea: Tea (I love coffee, but can't digest it )

Beer or vine: So you'll probably think I'm an alien, but I don't drink either. I actually have an intolerance to liquor or anything „fermented“. I know, I know, I am an alien! Book or a movie: Entirely based on mood! I'm compulsive about both. If I've started a movie I won't go to bed until I've finished it. Even if I don't like it! And with books, the exact same is true! But don't tell my husband. When he's fast asleep, I'll pull out my book and read till dawn if I have to! Favorite food: This is an impossible question! I'm protesting! My mom's homemade chicken noodle soup. Homemade noodles, broth and nothing else. It's divine!

Favorite drink: Martinelli's Apple Cider. It's my very own „virgin“ Champagne! Favorite song: Argh! Another impossible question! Hmmm. This is „one of many“ of my favorites : Hello by Adele Favorite band/singer: Impossible questions must be trending I see. I'm rebelling and listing at least five! Avicii, Nichole Nordeman, Imagine Dragons, The Script, Ellie Goulding and many more! What is it that you absolutely can't live without?: At the risk of sounding boring: My husband and kids. I'd be utterly broken without them. Oh, and fuzzy slippers!

28.Concerning the songs – do you write with the music in the background? If yes, what do you listen to while writing? Absolutely! Music is always playing and I binge listen, a lot. Sometimes I'll get stuck on a song and listen for weeks at a time, over and over and over...and over. You get the point Some examples would be: Heathens by Twenty One Pilots, Hello by Adele, Curse by Agnes Obel, Team by Lorde, I Hate You I Love You by Gnash, Hope in Front of Me by Danny Gokey, Brother by NEEDTOBREATH, First by Lauren Daigle, Fireflies by Owl City, The Hills by The Weekend, Burn and Love Me Like You Do and Outside by Ellie Goulding, All of Me by John Legend, Castle by Halsey, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, Sugar by Maroon 5, and so many many more.

29. Do you listen to music? If yes, what kind of music? It's rare that I'm not listening to music. It's like sustenance in a way for me. Music is playing regardless of what I'm doing, cooking, playing with the kids, gardening, washing the cars, accounting, writing, crafts , you name it and you can be sure I've got some tunes playing. Music is the spice of life, or is it variety? Either way, I love it. I listened to a good deal of artists, and truly there are too many to count. I listen to a wide variety of music, including oldies like I'm Never Gonna Dance Again by George Michaels. However, some music I don't like is heavy metal, anything where there is more screaming than actual signing, not a fan of rap, or hard core yodeling . Fun Fact: Both my husband and I sang solo's to one another at our wedding!

30. What else do you do in your spare time, that is, if you do have any spare time? Ha, ha! I've come to learn that Life is ever evolving. And though right now it seems I'm spread pretty thin, I know it's not always going to be so hectic! So even if I currently don't get to do these things with all that fictional free time I have up my sleeve, the things I like to do are: campfires, dinner parties, and good company. Gardening, family vacations where all I have to worry about is how much fun we're going to have, and the Annual Girl's Spa Day with my sisters and Mom.

31. Could you find a song that would perfectly capture the turmoil of feelings between Alice and Logan? (I know, i have LOL *wink*) Snow, I'm at your mercy with this one! Please share what song you have in mind? I have many that have influenced me a great deal, but to pick one...if absolutely forced, I'd have to pick Center of the Sun by Conjure One. I'm dying to know what you've attributed to them! Snow: Well, it's „Almost Paradise“ by Mike Reno and Ann Wilson (I featured it in my review, too LOL)

32. What are your future plans? . I would love nothing more than to keep writing. But I have much to juggle in life and for most indie authors, we cannot quit our day-jobs unless our novels reach a certain degree of success. I'm no martyr, I'd love for readers to find my books, devour them, love them...not only because I'd keep doing what I love, but because I firmly believe there are other readers like me out there, the ones who aren't afraid to say „I want more!“. I can only hope for the ability to give them what they seek. But either way, I'll continue to be a reader and a fan of many other talented authors, enjoying my Mommy hood, growing friendships, gardening, loving my husband and kids, and all around enjoying every moment of this life!

33. Would you like to share something more, that maybe you feel you should/could, with wider public? This very well might be the most important question, and I find myself nervous. So I'd like call out to readers; recognize your power, for you're an incremental component in molding our current standard of the „Romance Genre“. Are we demanding integrity, heart, soul, friendship, sacrifice, inspiration, devotion, humanity, justice...from the stories being released every single day? What is our youth reading? What standards, expectations, realities are they adopting as fact from books hitting the New York Times Bestsellers Lists? I will emphasize that there's nothing wrong with light and sexy reads. Everyone needs variety...I need variety! But this formula has dominated the genre and I say „It's time we demanded deeper meaning, fleshed out characters, inspiration, strong heroines, and proof that there's more to this life." Beauty begins within, so long as your soul shines, the rest of you will follow. As an author I have the power to bring ideas and characters to life, propelling a message or ideology through the written word. But this „power“ pales in comparison to the „super power“ that readers hold. Without fans, books and their authors are nothing more than a speck of dust in the vastness that is the library. This is for all those ladies out there: who never fit the mold, with figures too curvy or too thin, with no boobs or boobs so big you struggle with back problems. With untamed hair, fine hair, or no hair. With problematic skin, pale skin, dark skin, freckles or more facial hair than you'd like. Ladies with self esteem issues; always slapped in the face with billboards of what scociety (books included) are telling us is all of you I say „Screw It! Don't listen, and you're worth it! You're beautiful! You're lovable! You matter! And never accept anything less!“ Are we perpetuating the ideology that beauty is skin deep? The stigma that an Alpha male works only if the woman becomes a dim-wit? Where copious amounts of sex is replacing If readers could take away anything from this interview...this series; I would hope it was this.

34. Do you have any special message for your readers? You have all the power. Weild it with integrity.

35.Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully writing full time. Hopefully traveling to book events where I can meet fellow talented authors and passionate readers...and you! I'd love that!

Nat, thank you again for participating in this not-so-small interview. #sorryNOTsorry LOL I wish you all the best of luck in the long and prosperous future and I hope we'll see you again behind the questionnaire *wink* Interview, conducted and arranged by Snow, The Sirens Book Reviews, September 17, 2016.


About Natalya Orekhov​

As a Russian refugee Natalya Orekhov at a very young age learned that life is anything but fair. If her toys and clothing were not donations from a charity or a kind soul then they were acquired by a technique called Dumpster Diving—a skill she was rather good at despite her petite stature. What she lacked in height she compensated for with animal-like climbing abilities that seem to be written into her DNA. As the fourth of five children Natalya was well versed in the dynamics of big families. Yet despite the bickering and slamming of doors, everyone knew that with this family blood would always be thicker than water; their screams always took second place to their cheers for one another. Today Natalya lives in a cozy home in South West Littleton, Colorado, with her husband and two young children. She’s known in her neighborhood as an excellent baker and enjoys surprising friends with mouthwatering desserts. Though moderately young, Natalya has earned several degrees in various disciplines of life—in hardship, heartache, and forgiveness when it’s the last thing you want to give. Yet in the midst of such a grueling education, Natalya has also had the great privilege to meet countless individuals with hearts larger than life and spirits that rival the best of them. To such individuals she will be eternally grateful. In early 2012, with much encouragement from her irreplaceable husband, Natalya set off on a journey to do what she’s always loved: to write. Through the lines of her fictional characters Natalya continues to grow as a daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother. Though her stories are fictional, they embody a truth: that life is far harsher than any fiction she could ever compose; yet the very essence of life remains sacred and worth fighting for. Natalya loves every footprint of her existence, every crooked, splintered and even broken footprint. For between the trenches of injustice stand the pillars of hope.

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