Blue (Love in Color #2)
#ARC #secondchancelove #action #military #mobsters

Dear Aaron
#romance #Contemporary #drama #funny #military #slowburnromance #favoriteauthor

The Fallen (Crow City 1.5)
Anyone who knows me will know that Cole McCade is one of my top favorite authors. His writing not only moves me as a reader, but...

War Hope (War, #2)
#fighters #military #romance #humor

#romance #military #SociologyAbuse #suspense #secondchancelove

Out of Love
4 "You're a Good Man" Stars This was my first read by R.C. Boldt, which made me happy to give her work a try. In “Out of Love” Noelle...

Vines (A Killers Novel, Book 1)
4 The Cows Stole the Show Stars Brynne Asher brings a new couple to life with Abby And Crew. And I'm happy to see that she brought...

Below the belt (First to fight #1)
#sport #drama #romance #military
5 "We were. We are." Stars
Wow! What can I say about “Perfect Rage”? I can only say that Ms. Rose keeps giving us magic. The story between Connor O’Neil and...