Deep Redemption
ONLY THROUGH BLOOD CAN THE DEEPEST REDEMPTION BE FOUND… He was born to ascend. He was destined to lead. He was never meant to fail. ...

*****5 Who loves ya stars***** This book was Absolutely Amazing!!I loved every single page of this book. First I have to say, I'm a...

Dante (Filthy Marcellos, #3)
*5 stars * I was really excited to read Dante's book, from what we learned about him from the previous book, I knew his story would be...

I See You
****4.5 stars**** "If I see you" is a dark thriller. This is very hard to review without giving any of the twists and turns away, so I...

Souls Unfractured (Hades Hangmen, #3)
*****5 amazing stars***** I don't know what to say.. I have been waiting for Flame and Maddie' story since the first book ended. I'm...

Dirty Bad Strangers (Dirty Bad, #3)
I love her warnings, they just make you want to read her books!! *** Warning*** I guess it’s that time again… the time we all know and...

Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)
***** 5 stars ***** OMG how good was this book, LOVED it! It's been awhile since I read YA that good. Paper Princess was addictive, so...

The Anatomy of Jane
#Sexy #MMF