Souls Unfractured (Hades Hangmen, #3)

*****5 amazing stars***** I don't know what to say.. I have been waiting for Flame and Maddie' story since the first book ended. I'm happy to say the book was everything I hoped it would be. It was gritty, raw,emotional and beautiful!
" You Flame. My Flame. My tortured boy. You gave me life and light."
I knew their story was going be tough but reading what these two innocent children have suffered was just so horrifying and heartbreaking! But this was the beauty of this book seeing two absolutely damaged souls, heal each other! Flame and Maddie were just perfect together.
" Two fractured souls made whole only by the other's unconditional love."
I have to say I didn't care much for "The Psycho Trio"before but after reading Souls Unfractured, I 'm very happy that Ak is getting his book!!
"I know I'm different. I know I don't see the world like everyone else does. But I want to see your world, Maddie. Even if it’s the only one I'll ever understand.”
Tillie Cole seems to get better with each book, so I can't wait to see how she will redeem Cain/ Ryder in the next book!! I can't recommend this series enough, for me it's the best MC series out there !!