Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)

***** 5 stars *****

OMG how good was this book, LOVED it! It's been awhile since I read YA that good. Paper Princess was addictive, so be prepared that once you start you won't want to do anything else then go back and read!!! Now I wish I wouldn't have read that fast. I'm gonna miss those sexy Royals. I don't know who I liked more Reed or Easton!! Such a hard decision... I liked ( and when I say like, I don't mean let's be friend...if you know what I mean
Loved these boys so much that I kinda felt like a cougar, I mean I don't think I'm old but these boys are not even 20!!

Now for that ending

I knew it was going to end in a cliffhanger but COME ON! We have to wait till July for the next book.

If you are a fan of the Fallen Crest series by Tijan, you will love this one. Try it!