Dirty Bad Strangers (Dirty Bad, #3)

I love her warnings, they just make you want to read her books!!
*** Warning*** I guess it’s that time again… the time we all know and love. PLEASE don’t read this book if you are easily offended by dirty, kinky, filthy, obscene sex with multiple strange men. Please don’t read this book if you don’t like grit, and anal, and a healthy dose of pussy pumping. If in doubt, don’t consult Google if it sounds like something you’d find icky then trust your judgement. Seriously. Please don’t put your personal safety at risk in order to meet some random from chatline or the internet and re- enact this book. There are plenty of weirdos out there – and not in a good way! Play safe, people. Finally, I’ve been informed readers should seek out insurance against ‘clitoral demolition’ before reading this novel. Please take that warning seriously, I cannot be held accountable if any of you lovelies inadvertently jill yourselves to death, or friction burn your most sensitive places beyond repair. I leave that to your own discretion. MOST DEFINITELY 18+ early reviews point at this one being the dirtiest of the Dirty Bads so far, and that’s not a title easy to take. I really hope you enjoy this one. Thank you! Jade Kinky West has done it again!! This is the third book in the Dirty Bad series and this one was my favorite! If you read Jade West previous books you know they will not be sweet, they will be dirty,bad, kinky and sexy!! Dirty Bad Strangers was HOT, I mean I personally would not do anything the heroine did! (view spoiler) but the way Jade wrote the strory made me go..

Apart from the kinky side, the story between Gemma and Jason was really great.I just love Jade's writing :) Oh and one more thing I like when reading this series is you always learn something new, like for example in this one I learnt what was pussy pump!!! I had to google that! I can't show you but imagine it's like the new trend of making your lips bigger but instead of doing it to your face you do it on your vagina :P

So yeah, I would definitely recommend this series if you want to read something dirty and bad!!!