Ruckus (Sinners of Saint)

4 Delicious Cole Stars
The story of Dean Cole and Rose LeBlanc was a story about two broken people whose timing was never in their favor. Their fate had different roads for them to travel and lessons that needed to be learned along the way. But it did not stop them from finding a way to one another after eleven years since the last time they spoke or saw each other.
Rosie couldn’t help to feel like she got the sort end of the stick in life. Being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, she knew that her life was going to put her dreams on the back burner, or never happening. It didn’t stop her from breathing each day and appreciating it for what it was worth. She loved her family, loved her sister, but sometimes she just wanted the freedom of being human. Being treated like she wasn’t fragile, sick, or incapable of taking care of herself, and far worse, being a burden on anyone. So she danced to her own beat and was carefree in everything she did. But the one thing she didn’t think she would ever give into was love. Love took too much, and she was on a short time span. She didn’t want to have someone stick by her when her health failed, the men that she dated needed more than that in their lives and she wasn’t willing to be selfish to them. But, there will always be the one man that stayed on her mind, even though he was forbidden fruit and her sister’s ex-boyfriend. Dean “Ruckus” Cole brought to many emotions out on the surface and was trouble with a capital T, a flame to her moth.
“Dangerous chemistry. Our bodies were attuned in a way souls were.”
Dean never needed anything in life. He had more than enough success in his career, money to spend when he pleased, enough women to relieve a little stress, and a small addiction to easy the stress of life. The women he picked up could never tame the HotHole he was, and he didn’t have time to think about anything as minuscule as love. His last long term relationship with Emilia LeBlanc turned out to be a disaster after she left and ran away without a reason. She was the one thing that was constant in his life, until it wasn’t. And even when it was, he never truly loved her. He cared deeply for her, but their relationship was more of a protection against his friend Vicious. He always had eye for one girl, one woman, Rosie LeBlanc. The complications of that where too many to begin with, never mind the fact that she was Emilia’s baby sister, but when he first saw her and spoke to one another he knew that she was the light to his darkness within. And now after all these years, she was going to make her his, because this woman meant something to him and he was willing to find out what that meant. When deep down he knew, that she was more than a casual chase, this time he was going to play for keeps and never let her go.
This has been my first book I’ve read in the past three months or so and L.J. Shen did it with this one. I loved the chemistry between Dean and Rosie. Their story had such a wonderful meaning behind all the pain and broken heart they both had as individuals. Even though I seriously disliked Rosie’s family, I understood their fears and love, even if it was directed in the wrong approach. But Dean and Rosie were such a strong, fierce, understanding, unselfish, love story, and probably my favorite story far in this series.
“I love you so much that I hated you for a while. And now that I know that you are damaged, I love you even more. Perfect things are not relatable. Unbreakable is fascinating, but not lovable. You’re breakable, Dean Cole. I’m going to do my best to keep you whole.”