Waste of Worth (DeLuca Duet #1)
4 "take the fall..." stars This is a story of Dino DeLuca. The oldest brother of the DeLuca mafia family we've met in the shadows of the Chicago Wars series and even though he played a somewhat secondary role in there, he was actually an essential link, a presence that brought up the curiousity in finding out his background, his thoughts before the final actions, that made him the way he was, or was he a pawn in a much bigger devious game? or maybe a mere shadow to the more important ordeal, a man who'd be sacrificed, a man marred by the actions of his father, a broken man of no worth, or so it seemed, at the time...
Dino didn't like mirrors. He didn't like the face staring back at him.
Here we meet the man haunted by the past, and a man so closed off cause he can't trust anyone but himself, and even that is a questionable thing at times...
He was always watching people walk away; he had yet to find a person he wanted to follow.
until he meets her, Karen Martin, by mere chance, unexpectantly...and she was a strong enough of a pull to break him...in a good way, a way Dino forgot existed, a way of a heart Dino forgot he had.
Dino had spent so long keeping his emotions shut off from the rest of the world, because it was easier to deal with life when he didn't have the complication of feeling to go along with it, and it didn't quite know how to discern the things he felt now.
cause things started to change, in slow, persistant motion...from inside out
She was a small bit of light in his dismal life.
BUT she also became a liability, she became a wager, Dino needed to protect even more than he already had planned that included his remaining family cause...
With her, he didn't dream horrible things or at least not as often. with her, he was calm and content.
With her, there was peace.
In all his efforts to keep Karen from being pulled into his life,
she had become the most important part of it.
he knew what will play out in a huge devious act of betrayal orchestrated by his uncle, a man who saw him as another figurine in a mafia business downfall, a sacrificial pawn already marked as a waste of worth , considering Dino was "paying" for his own father's actions BUT he was also aware that the sacrifice meant doing the things one NEEDED to do and NOT what you wanted to do - even if that meant turning into a rat, just like his father did....or maybe, in fact, there might be another game going on and the players might have changed the roles they were given in the first place... When I found out that Bethany-Kris was writing Dino DeLuca's story, and knowing the shocking fact from a glimpse of his destiny in the Chicago Wars series, i was both intrigued and sceptic at first, and as I was nearing to the end of book 1 of Dino's story I started to smile, like a Chesire cat, thinking hmmm, Bethany must have another ACE hidden up her sleeve, and I wanna find out what that includes. So, here I am, eager to find out the real conclusion to Dino's story in the following second installment. ***ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review***