Mad Girl (The Chronicles of Anna Monroe)
4 "fucked up murderous " stars What a pulsating, crazed up, fucked up ride that only Alaska can pull through... Still reeling from the "crazed up" events!!! A. A. Dark brings us another horror shockingly striking thriller with terrific detailed descriptions that will make your skin crawl from unease and some strange thrill unless you're not into that kind of thing – scary, gore, horrid notion of what the dark psyche of a human mind is capable of- you should stay away. This story is a portrayal of a horrific childhood of Annalise Fowler/Anna Monroe, a daughter of Rebecca Anne Fowler who did grossome crimes of murdering women and being called the Madison Ridge Killer, while she made he little kid not only watch but participate in these killings, until her mother was caught and Annalise taken away into a foster care, actually placed into a God worshiping Monroe family. Fast forward, now the mirage looking back at her from the mirror is Anna Monroe, by name, but she's the spiting image of her mother's, the name she's not allowed to mention. And yet again, the other personality is still there...
Annalise Fowler was always there, lurking, waiting to come out. I was two people. A woman of purity, who tried to walk in God's light, and a God, herself, who basked in the blood of her victims. Where one was safe, the other was who I felt I truly was.
And now, the vile urges want to surfice again, brought back by the sudden killings happening again around town. The same grossome crimes that her mother commited and she "helped" (while her mother wanted to punish the women, as a reminder of the physical resemblance to the one woman her husband left her for), these killings now, are based on a resemblance of her mother's face, therefore, Anna/Annalise's. Detective Braden Casey, in charge of the investigation, gets emotionally involved with Anna, not knowing of her past and when her truth comes out...he's left with a cruel torment within...the struggle to fight the feelings he developed for Anna, and the dread of doubts that Annalise's persona would take over...
I was a man who loved a killer. I was good and bad.
Deep inside, i knew that.
People killed for love. People loved to kill.
But when Anna is kidnapped, tortured, raped and violated and then been declared dead with the „arranged“ evidence set up by the killer, her past will come to the full spotlight, when all the pieces of puzzle come together and the identity of the killer comes as a recollection to her from the shadows of her past. Now, it's a fight against sanity, against the illusions of good and bad inside the dark corner of her mind. She's neither now, neither Anna nor Annalise, she's a Mad Girl and she has to survive this horror, to come back to the illusion of normalcy, illusion of the future...cause we all walk that thin line of illusion, after all. I have to be honest when I say that i had a mixed complex notion lingering on my mind after i have finished reading. That's why I didn't write my review right away. I was uterly confused. I wasn't able to clear out the colliding thoughts I was struggling I'm gonna settle with a divided sides that perplexed me in this story – the thriller/crime drama part is fantastic, it's creepy, suspensful, challenging and dark, it's all that a good thriller is supposed to be to pull you in, grips you firmly and shakes you to the core, shocks you and scares you, then spits you out like an old chewing gum (yeah, don't laugh!) and all you can say after that is „bloody hell“. And then, there's the other part of the story that, in my opinion, should have been more „developed“ – the emotional connection between the characters. It's the side of the charater's portrayal that, unfortunately was not palpable enough for me, to begin with, I didn't feel it, I do think that it should have been more emphasized cause it's the bond that the anti-heroine needed to hold on to, in order to achieve the resemblance of sane notion of normalcy and to linger on to something more believable than the madness of the imposing doom of her past and the chaos of two personalities crushing in on her. However, i still find it amazing and totally in awe notion that Ms Dark has such a wide span of darkness to share *wink* lol