Whispers and the Roars

OH MY GOD!!!!!
I am speechless, this is book was simply AMAZING! Well done K.Webster, well done!
This is definitely one of the best book I have read this year.

I'm so glad I went in this book without reading any reviews. I am curious by nature so I usually read some reviews before so I know a little about the story, I'm glad I didn't do it for this one. This is definitely a book you have to go in blind and with an open mind, trust me!!
Whispers and Roars will stay on my mind for a long time, the story was cleverly and beautifully written. And all the characters were fantastic, I loved them all but I sure am gonna miss my favorite Badass Motherf*cker!!!
"I crave every single facet, every broken piece of her. I want them all collected and locked away in my heart where they belong."
I won't say anything about the story but I will say is that if there ever was a perfect boyfriend Yeo is it!! He wasn't perfect in a sweet that makes you want to barf kinda way but he was perfect for how determined, understanding and loving he was with Kady.
“I love her. Plain and simple. You can’t snuff out the blazing flames of love. Soulmates don’t simply drift apart. Twelve years has done nothing to change the way I feel about her. The time with us separated is over. No more hiding. No more avoidance. No more denying our complicated relationship. I’m going to make this right again.”

Whispers and Roars is a unique, emotional and dark story that you have to try!!!!
This is definitely one of the best book I have read this year.