Ten Below Zero

5+ Three hand squeeze Stars
I am at a loss for words after reading this book. I’m kind of upset that I want to share this review with all of you who might read it, because it was something special for me. And when you find something that hits you deep in the feels, you want to cherish the moment for as long as you can and fade in the bliss of that emotion. That is what Ms. Barbetti did for me, I took a chance on a book that the blurb interested me and decided to read the book because I was searching for a soul cleansing book. Oh boy, did it deliver.
Parker Sloane has been happy with the life that she has been living. She has secluded herself within the walls of her apartment and the safety of not being put in dangerous situations. She can’t afford to put herself out there after her attack that left her face scarred along with her left arm. Funny thing about that night is that she cannot recall the details of those events. Her mind has blocked out the traumatizing truth and she’s learned to cope without feeling the anger, the fear, or any emotion that is bond to come at her. Instead, she’s content with being indifferent and alone, living her life one day at a time. Until, she receives a text message from an unknown number who happened to have text the wrong person.
“This is Jacob’s friend, Everett. He said we should meet.”
Parker was drawn to that message. She had never done anything outside of her comfort zone especially around her two roommates that were adventurous and social as she once was. She was tired of being used as a doormat when it came to her roommates, but she decided to give this text an answer. What was the worst that could happen? She would be surrounded by people at the place they would meet. Not like anything would come out of it. No one ever notice her, only the scars and those were never an interest for anyone, just curious gazes.
She just didn’t expect that her life would be a lesson learned throughout the journey she would soon embark. With a man who made her curious and tested every boundary and emotion she had laid dormant.
Everett O’Callaghan has his own take on life. Living each day as if it were to be his last, a ticking time bomb not knowing when it would blow. Diagnosed a third time with a brain tumor, he knew he could not put himself through the pain that followed treatment or surgery. He had ruined enough lives already, and had lost a part of himself after the first semi-successful tumor removal operation. He made up his mind and decided to embark on a sort of Bucket List.
“I fought for a long time. And I’m tired. I’m tired of fighting. The cancer is there, even worse than before. The odds aren’t great. And I’m okay with that. I’m okay with life. I’m okay with death.”
But when he met the woman who he responded to his text, he knew that she wasn’t whom she was to be, but a woman whose scars he couldn’t see. Only the non-existent woman living a life that wasn’t living. And he never knew someone could capture his attention—ever.
The story of Everett and Parker was beautiful. I know I have said that and there are other words to express it, but it captures the beauty of it within their story. Everett challenges Parker to open up, to try to make her feel something other than the indifference she shows, hiding behind the wall that she has set up for herself.
”You’re hiding in plain sight. I see you. I see the parts you don’t want anyone to see. In here, you’re ten below zero. And I’m closer to death than I am.”
Parker held on tightly to the way of life she knew. But the anger was better than the other emotions that could and would hurt her. Even if Everett didn’t understand. How could he when he had decided to let go? And every time he would push he and be the arrogant asshole that he was, she felt like keep herself in check was becoming harder and harder each time he was around and the space he was invading kept getting smaller the more time they spent together.
“I’m sitting across from you at the table, Parker. I’m not in your lap. I’m not encroaching on your space.”
“But you are, your presence surrounds me. I breathe your air. My eyes find yours. Even when you’re not physically next to me, I’m thinking about you.”
Each lesson that Everett tries to teach Parker not only worms their way into her, but into her soul. Showing her the essentials of life that one needs, craves, to live. Because he knows and see’s that her life is a lot more than what she currently has.
“I want one sweet moment, one moment in my memory to hold to when my soul leaves this earth.”
All the emotions that ran through me where enough to cause a whiplash. But I understood both Parker and Everett’s reasoning and decisions. I was sad, I was angry, and I was heartbroken. This book was not only one about romance, or second chances, righting wrongs. It conveyed to me the reason we all live. And Everett said it best, “I don’t want to merely exist… I want to live. I want to leave the world with that one sweet moment… So when I’m gone, a part of me is left to live somewhere else. I don’t need a thousand people to know I existed. I just want someone to know I lived.”
It isn’t about the mark you make, but the way you impact people along the way. The people who love us more than is possible and we share that love and the memories we create alongside with them. And the lessons that may surprise the people whom are trying to help us along the way.
And I think this is the reason why it broke me the way it did. And I’m a tough cookie to break, but Ms. Barbetti succeed in showcasing her writing with so much emotion that I felt it all the way through. I’m sadden that my journey has ended. I really did crave more from these two, mostly Everett because his insights where what made me fall for him. I just wanted more from him. But overall, this book was like I said above, it was something special for me. And it will carry with me for quite some time. So thank you, Whitney Barbetti and I’m so happy to have stumbled upon your work. I know it will not be the last read for me from this amazing author.