Mr. President (White House #1)

4.5 "Are you ready Mr. President?" Stars Matthew Hamilton has known politics all his life. He’s lived it, breathed it, and has known most of the ins and outs of what it takes to be a great President. He saw it in his father whom served the country for two terms, before his assignation. But what he learned most from it all is that he truly never got a father, because he shared his father with America. His father’s time was divided between family man and president, but the presidency won every time. When his decision and time came to run for the presidency he not only felt like he owed it to his father to see the dream he had for his son, but for America to finally have a president who would once again bring hope to its people and unite them as one, as America once was. Charlotte Wells has decided to make her own way through her path in life. Being the daughter of a highly known senator, her parents would have liked to see her choose a career in politics and also find herself a nice politician to settle down with. But Charlotte is happy with working with women and making a difference in their lives no matter how small the changes are. But her heart will always have a soft spot for politics, her fondest memory was meeting President Hamilton and his young son Matthew at one of her parent’s dinners where they hosted the president. She never expected the young crush to develop soon after that meeting or have it follow her throughout the years, and seeing him now make his declaration to run in this year primaries brought back that crush to the forefront of her mind. She just never expected that crush to come back full force after meeting Matthew Hamilton while attending a gala with her mother and the new journey that it would bring. “Sitting there talking with him, I sensed a genuine quality in him and a strength that makes you want to cling to it.” Matthew could not believe his eyes once he remembered young Charlotte and the letter she had sent him after dining with her family all those years ago. But what through him completely off his game was the innocence she had, the passion for her country, and the honesty that was lost in politics. She was refreshing as much as she was beautiful. But he knew that this young woman would bring something unexpected along with the determination that shown in her eye and the belief that he could win this whole thing. The truth was clear in her confidence in him, and that was something true that he could not forget. He also didn’t expect to be hit with the complication of wanting two separate desires and choosing between the two would surely come with a loss. Matt and Charlotte’s story starts off simple enough where the presidential candidate hires a person to work on his campaign, but there is more to the offer than the other two expected. They are both willing to put in the effort and hard work to showcase the future. Charlotte knows the importance of working on this amazing opportunity, she’s been looking for something to make her feel like she’s a part of history, a monumental moment not only for herself, but for the other people that believe in Matthew Hamilton. "I felt like I was touched by something exciting, historical, and meaningful. That moment branded me in so many ways.” But it seems like the more time they both get to know one another since the last time they met, they both see each other in a different light. Charlotte see’s the sacrifices that Matt has made, not only with losing his father, but the responsibility he feels to make something great again just like his father knew he would. Along with the normal life that he never got to have, especially being watched with every move he makes. That strength he shows brings out more feeling out of her than she knows what to do with them, but she also knows that having him will be a feat on its own. “The idea that Matt could be anything of mine is just mind-blowing, to say the least. But he could be my president. He was my first crush. He is my boss, and my candidate. And right now he is my very breath because nothing has ever felt as exciting to me as this man.” That excitement leads to more dangerous territory and grounds not just for Charlotte, but for Matt once the two decide to take their feelings towards one another to the next level. There is so much to lose for Matthew and just how far are they both willing to go? Is the special connect enough to last through the winning or defeat of Matt’s campaign? And are they both willing to let go of a relationship and stand the pain behind it to see the one person you might love walk away? This is all in the suspense of Mr. President. The world needs someone strong, confident, truthful, and genuine to run a country. But being the woman behind the man is not an easy thing for a woman to endure while having the rest of the world loving and needing the man that is supposed to be by your side. Cannot wait to see what is revealed in the upcoming book Commander in Chief. The unfinished story of Matt and Charlotte will be the talk of the town. ‼‼ARC graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.‼‼