Wrath (Wrong #2)
4 "The. Fucking. End." stars
"No matter how much you want to put the past behind you,
you can't escape who you are."
And I guess to a certain point, it is the truth and it's not. But that is something to dwell upon and the very own decision of wanting to change and working on it.
Wrath is a continuaiton of the turmoil events in Victoria/Tor's life after she managed to survive the first shock of her captive destiny towards accepting the odds and owning it. She survived and elevated herself into the alternative feature including the Jude's presence in her current life, or so you might call it that.
Jude gives Tor a choice of freedom...and she takes it...BUT she actually has no choice at all. And cause of that little indecision and unfortunate sets of circumstances she ends up in the hands of even bigger monster, the man who wants to destroy Jude...and Tor just became the perfect ammunition.
And that monster not only breaks her physically, with the most vile and horrid acts of violent hatred, but he destroys her emotionally. Tor is beyond herself, depraved of dignity, shattered and battered, diminished to pieces of the little humanity that lingers on to her.
Jude eventually finds her, but only cause she was meant for him to find her just like that, devoid of existence, and a shallow shadow of a person.
BUT she must do it again, once more...
"Evolve to survive."
BUT it's the most scariest thing to do again...cause she's lost, she's not even there, present, existing...
"For the first time in days, I feel something besides numbness and pain.
I grab hold of this new found rage with both hands,
and it becomes intoxicating to me.
It gives me purpose in a life that has been stripped of it."
"Evolve to survive, this is what I need to survive.
Blood. Revenge. Wrath."
Jude is fighting against his ownpiled up rage...
"I will kill him in a way that the devil himself
would find ruthless and unjust."
against the guilt, against the feelings he has for her, against the very notion that he has lost every single person in his life by the hands of that man, and now he failed her.
"She is the only thing in my life that has ever felt right. It's fucked up, and it's wrong, but I love her. She's fucking everything."
There is not a line I will not fucking cross to protect you.
BUT he doesn't know how to help her, he's not even sure he can do that, or if that's even possible to do...the only thing he can do is to confess and bare his own soul to her, to show her he's here, right here...to give her what she needs to get the little peace of composure and sense of normalcy, no matter how pointless and hopeless that seems to her.
"I won't let you be damaged. To me, you are every-fucking-thing in this goddamned world." He kisses me hard. "I fucking love you, Tor."
And that's the turning point for Tor, the light in the dark tunnel of her existence and she clings to it with all the mighty power of the very last atom in her body, very last pulse in her veins, very last breath of her soul, the very last consious notion in her mind.

"Tell me again", I breathe, tracing my fingers over his stubbled jaw.
His lips are beside my ear, and he sweeps my hair from my neck.
He tenderly kisses below my earlobe, then whispers. "I love you."
His lips move lower to my collarbone.
"I fucking love you."
They start this wrath rampage of vengeance seeking their own redemption along with it, seeking for a little bit of solace BUT there won't be any for them in the prospect of a near future...
"We were always destined to destroy one another. I just never thought it would beme who destroyed him."
cause fate will turn its cards around again making them taste the cruel fact that every wrongful deed and crime, will eventually come to face the final judge of justice.
"...if I can't have my freedom, if I can't be with her, I'm fucking dead anyways."
The ultimate sacrifice will play the part, as the ultimate price will be paid and yet the unexpected ultimate deal will give them the chance either of them ever anticipated of being an option.
The conclusion had ups and downs in the storyline, from absolutely intense and nerve wrecking, making the absolutely best part of it - the interaction between Jude and Tor through out her "mending" process - towards the somewhat "ultra predictive" and a bit forced happily ever after in this type of writing genre. For me, it would have a greater impact in tension and emotional push if it simply ended with the tragic bang!
But nevertheless this is exceptionally well written crime/thriller/dark romance drama.