Credo (Scars of the Wraiths, #3)
4.75 "Love Crucified" Stars Waleron and Delara's story has been one of great anticipation for me. Since the very first time I met them, I knew their story was going to be something that kept me wanting more. Wanting to find out what their story revealed behind the anger, hurt, love, passion, sadness, pain, and agony. How can one story that was yet to be untold hold so much emotions? Well, that would be Ms. Rose's doing. She has the ability to suck you in, and engross yourself into the words she so effortlessly writes. And Credo was no different. We Finally get to read the untold story of Delara and Waleron. We got to go back to the very beginning where it all began, where they both met for the first time and realized that the electricity they both felt and the wavelength they shared was something that both never felt before or expected. "My skin burned with need, pulsating with an intensity I'd never known exhausted... Christ, I wanted this woman. Not just once, but keep her close and never let go." But Waleron made it perfectly clear that he couldn't always be there for Delara because of his oath and duty to his mother the first Scar and the Goddess. But he would do what he could to make the relationship work. And it did grow, they both became so entwined with themselves that their bond became something that no would have expected. But, we finally realized that the story of these two people were impossible from the moment they were separated.

When Waleron was captured by a Lilac and claimed to be dead, Delara broke. She lost all hope of ever being with the one man who she loved beyond words. A part of her died along with Waleron and the person she once one withered away. While Waleron was in his own hell chained and locked away, he also lost part of the man that he once was. Making him cold, distant, and emotionless. But when they both finally reunite, the happily ever after is farther away than you'd think. Both living in the a hell were they could never be. The paths they both choose in order to survive would change them, they learned to survive and fight when they felt like there was nothing left to give. Trying hard to live because the draw and need to be with one another was too strong to break. Fighting their own demons was truly breaking. There were times were I hated Waleron for the way he treated and the things he said to Delara. I felt like she took the most agonizing fate from the two of them. She suffered more and her pain was bigger than the other could imagine.

But with the pain she couldn't break Waleron's spell. He would always be apart of her whether she wanted it or not. They both had so many struggles to endure, to fight, and to set free. And they couldn't do it when there was still so much among them. Through it all though you finally come to the conclusion and ending of Delara and Waleron's story, but we also got glimpses and stories of the other Scars we had been introduce to in the past. Making their individual stories waiting to be told. That's one of my favorite attributes that Ms. Rose does in her books. She combines different characters so seamlessly that it never clashes, but rather gives more appeal to the story. And I cannot wait to pick up the next book is the Wraiths series. ARC graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.