5 "mindfuck" stars Alice Beaumont is frequently seeing Dr. Chance, a psychologist to resolve the problems of her „dreams“ – night terrors, sleep walking, sleep paralysis – nightmares of the worst kind, that cripple her into „non-functioning“ basically since she was a young girl. Abusive, dysfunctional environment can only scar so much...there's only so much one can take...and never to be able to escape it...but Alice did. Or she tried... But these nightmares of lately really mess with her existence and Alice is convinced that they hold the solution of the whereabouts of her missing sister. She believes they "speak" to her...
“I wanted to understand the nightmares...to use them to save Delilah.
Or do they, really? We enter an uncharted sphere of unknown – as we follow Alice through out the dream of a dream within a dream or is it? They could hold the only answer in finding...her...or something else entirely.
It's often said that dreams are what you make of them.
For Alice, It all started a long time ago, but it escalated into unstoppable decrease of known sanity with the appearence of...Maximillian Frost. Or did it happen like that, really?

...she finally understood the dreams were memories coming to the surfice, a dam broke in her mind, the images and events she'd fought so hard not to see finally coming into focus with a vengeance that shredded her from the inside out.
There's actually no way to tell this story without screwing the storyline spoilers... the only thing one can do is to stick with the original blurb allure and just state the fact that this was masterfully written. And I bow to Lily White for pulling it through. I have read Ms White's books before and I am well aware of the edgy, twisted, gritty and disputable, dark taboo subjects she writes about, the characters you usually have no simpathy or empathy for and I am usually quite mad afterwards LOL But this is a step up, in my opinion, from the usual „storm“ of a mindfuck, as this book actually excels in it. At fist I was a bit confused with the interwoven sidelines of the dream within the dream, that made me slide off track a couple of times, trying to grasp the meaning beyond the reality that was behind the dream and vice versa. Or so I thought, but even then I couldn't stop reading, by entering the sphere of another sphere which made me a stand by stalker watching as the layers of layered cover up mess of characters' surroundings and their inner screens are being peeled off, slowly revealing the „real truth“ and than the epilogue comes and steals the spotlight making me gasp in amazment and awe struck of a phenomenally rounded out psychological thriller with twists and pent up mystery boiling the tension until one statement concludes it all with a bursting truth! Nothing is EVER as it seems...well, fuckin duh?! Maybe one of the best psychological thrillers I have read recently. ***ARC generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***