Jackson Stiles, ROAD to REDEMPTION (Jackson Stiles, #1)
6 "I. GIVE. A. SHIT. ABOUT. YOU." / Jackson Stiles the best damn badass man out there" stars

Jackson Stiles is a Private Investigator in a town called Redemption.
It's my job to find the bad guys, take them in, and get paid.
He is a man hard on the edges, who doesn't trust anyone but his own gut, a man closed off with issues from the past, filled with guilt and self-deprication, and sarcasm takes everyday as „one more“ to add in a long line of days to scratch off. Recluse from his family, unwilling to let anyone in, fighting with anxiety, unsettled and unresolved issues with his father and brother in a generations of cops. His own self-depraved feeling of guilt/failure only intensifies his outside posture of cold, cocky, sarcastic bastard with danger lingering/edgy modus operandi will be shaken and stirred when one of his rutine jobs ends up wrong and the outcome of it bugs him to the point of starting his own investigation. The unlikely person who will jump in to help him is a bold, sassy, smart and „all present“ local tabloid reporter, Emma Green who is on her own chase for the exclusive story while she's trying to figure out her own disclosed issues. And just to spice things up, there's a huge amount of animosity between them. It is vivid and well, being Jackson, the way he is, doesn't help to smooth the situation either. The banter between them is priceless but it will all slowly change as they learn to open up and develop the much needed trust
“A „thank you“ and „I'm sorry“ in one night. I don't know what to say, Stiles.“
while they are faced „alone“ in the upcoming events that will make the muddy waters come rushing in. With Jackson's instinct and hunch, hightened with almost recless boldness
“You know that old saying about curiosity killing the cat? Well, if I was a cat, I'd be dead right about now.“
collected clues and Emma's insightful wit and deductive skills, it will lead them on a road of covered up and staged murders, corruption, betrayal and conspiracy rising from the inside ranks of the Redemption Police Force towards the political scenery of greed, treachery and devious mascarade. While on this dangerous, uncertain path of discovering the truth behind the lies, being close together, it's inevitable for them not to feel the alluring chemistry and temptation, filled with an adrenaline rush, the pull of projected thrill of life threathining situation will not only make them discover the ultimate truth but their own curtains and masks will fall as they find out that nothing is what it seems and that there's so much more beyond the carnal and physical attraction they feel towards each other...

but that is only a little scratch beneath the surfice...
“I'm goddamn crazy about you.“ „I – „ „I. Give. A. Shit. About. You.“ „I –„ „Deal with it.“
and it's merely a beginning...
All I can say is, that I have been really lucky with received ARCs lately, cause every single one of them was a huge winner for me, so I am ecstatic to say that this book will be added into my BEST in 2016 book shelf. Jo Richardson is a totally new author to me, and, in my humble opinion, she has written this remarkable action packed story filled with suspense, thrill of a mystery with fantastically portrayed characters with humorous, witty, sarcastic banters and dialoges that keep you on the edge in expectation that only deepens in detailed development of a storyline. I enjoyed it immensely and it will stay with me for a very long time....as i am affected...by everything...every single thing in the story and the story itself.... I Applaud you, Jo Richardson! Fantastically entertaining read you don't want to miss out on.