RETRIEVAL (The Retrieval Duet, #1)
5 "gripping" stars

Since Aly Martinez asked NOT to reveal the names and give out any spoilers to the story, I will be as direct as possible and yet keep my thrilled emotions in check! One story. Two couples. It could not have been said more plainly YET so intriguing. I WILL STATE THIS THOUGH, this book...THIS. BOOK. was the best I have read in 2016 covering these elements: 1. a second chance love (one of the most compationate, passionate, complicated and sincere emotional twirl and span of human emotions that totally consumed me in every possible way) 2. Abso-fuckin-lutely phenomenal characters, main and secondary cast...BUT my sentiments go towards one man and one man alone R. L. , I simply fell in love with him from the first line ever written about him...and that was the PROLOGUE
"I love you, too. I never stopped, and I never will."
that's all I'm gonna share as this is the story of LOSS, PAIN, SHATTERED LIVES and a NEVER DYING HOPE that all the SHATTERED PIECES will FALL BACK TOGETHER they ARE MEANT TO 3. suspensful storyline in such a fluent way of re-telling it in every detail, segment, little tidbit... - it really holds you pinned to the sitting surface, tightly gripping your reading device - hoping, dreading, biting your lips in anticipation, crossing your fingers, cursing your way through the pages... 4. the bloody twist of an ending - just WOW!!! I was like...WOW! Fucking WOW!!! and I really need more and I need it now!!! There was NOT one single aspect in this story that I didn't like, I devoured it, I breathed it, I lived vicariously through it... Aly Martinez , you won my heart and soul with On the ropes series, especially with Fighting Silence, I was hooked, baked, smoked, name it...
and I was yours LOL, but now, you have every single little piece of me...
and my blind devotion is all I have to give... *bows to you*