INTERVIEW with Crow Gray, following his latest release On the Hunt (Tantric Shaman volume 2)

Damian, The Tantric Shaman, returns for the long awaited confrontation with the female shaman, Vanessa. Damian won't be facing her alone, however. Unwilling to put his fellow shifters in danger, he instead calls in a favor from some friends of the vampiric variety. Damian will still need the power he can receive only from sex, but his dark side continues to lead him down kinkier paths.And unlike Damian, Vanessa has already totally succumbed to a life of debauchery.
Interview with Crow Gray
INTERVIEW with Crow Gray, following his latest release On the Hunt (Tantric Shaman volume 2)
Hi Crow, I am thrilled to have this opportunity again... the same participants, different platform *wink*, it's good to have you here!
1.But for those who are yet to read any of your books and for those who are about to meet you for the very first time, can you please say a few words about who Crow Gray, the author is?
Thank you for having me. I'm a male author from the Southern United States who likes to write erotica in different genres. I write action and adventure erotica, as well as shifter erotica. I have a few titles in contemporary erotica as well. I just love to read and write, but my talents seem to lean towards the more adult forms of literature.
2.You are a very private person, hence the pen name you use as a writer, how much different is Crow Gray, the author fromCrowGray, theprivateperson?
I'm pretty much the same person. The name may be different, but the personality is the same.
3.Jumping straight onto the book! Your latest release is actually a continuation of the book 1 in the Tantric Shaman series...for the new followers/future fans can you tell us in short what the Tantric Shaman (book 1) is about? Who is Tantric Shaman?
The Tantric Shaman, Damian Ivory, is the most powerful shifter ever. He can shift into pretty much any animal. He gets his power through sex and the darker and kinker the acts, the more power he gains. But the power is addicting, and if he's not careful he will find himself totally lost in lust. In volume 1, we are introduced to the character when he finds himself in the middle of a potential shifter war between the bear clan and the wolf clan. In volume two, we find out more about who was really behind things.
4. Second installment provides MORE of everything. More action, more sex, more characters...which segment did you look MORE forward to while writing about it?
I looked forward to writing the villains and the vampires. Villains are always fun to write, and Orson the vampire is a blast.
5.Can you tell us smth about the new characters in book 2?
As mentioned previously, we have vampires introduced in book 2. We get a look at the real villain of the series, and we meet Orson, a vampire ally of Damian who's quite a character.
6.So now that you have introduced us to the newbies in your book, can you answer honestly which characters did you have most fun writing about?
Orson and Vanessa, although Damian is always fun too since it's all really his story.
7.Which segments in Tantric Shaman volume 2 did you have hard time writing? LOL (no pun intended) To clarify, just for argument's sake, action sequences, sex scenes, dialogues or scenery descriptions – which part took you the longest time to write, re-write, re-think, re-envision...
Probably the fight scenes, as the battles were more a little more involved than the ones in the first volume.
8. Let me tell you, there were some pretty steamy sex scenes in there...was there also a research needed for the detailed descriptions presented to us? *wink* But seriously, is the writing of the sex scenes easier in any way than the other segments? And if yes, in what way?
Of course research is always a must! Oh a more serious note, the sex scenes can be either the hardest part or the easiest depending on where the characters want to go. I try to keep each scene fresh and exciting so as not to rehash what's come before, so it's not always easy.
9.You are mostly oriented on writing the short stories. Why is that exactly? Is it the form of novella that suits you more or? Can you elaborate?
I just see my books as serial and episodic. I would rather write shorter novellas and have things interesting and flowing rather than to try something of an epic length and have it potentially drag.
10. In this book there's more of the „romance“ between the new character (who is my fave, btw) and a did the process go of writing that segment from the guy's point of view?
I know readers wanted more romance, so I tried to provide that. Plus, Orson is a tortured soul and just naturally more of a romantic than Damian, so I just tried to climb into Orson's shoes to write things from the guys point of view.
11.Did you do a research needed for the right/correct“ description of actions, manner, posture for the new characters (vampires)?
Some, yes, but I've studied vampires over the years, plus I like to play around with mythology and create my own guidelines as well.
12. How did you come up with the visual identity of Orson ( the vamp friend of Tantric Shaman)?
I think he'd been lurking in the back of my mind a while, and this time he finally got to come out and play.
13.Will there be a spin-off series with Orson? Will you consider doing them in the future? You know, we'd like to know his past life, background, the moment his life got frozen forever and more of the history of his human love...
You'll definitely be seeing more of Orson, that's all I'll say for now...
14.And we also meet a new villain-chick, a female Shaman Vanessa, who has some serious grudge towards Damian (our Tantric Shaman). Will she have more space in the next installments? We are interested in finding out, why the hatred, why she is the way she is? What actually happened between her and Damian?
One thing you'll learn about me is I love to leave things mysterious. Eventually all will probably be revealed, but it's going to be revealed a little bit at a time. I think letting the readers wonder adds to the enjoyment of reading.
15.Will she get her own series, too? LOL
She'll be around, but I don't think she'll get her own series lol
16.Are you ready for a few quickies as in quick questions? LOL
Sure lol
Vampires or shifters?
Vampires, but I like both.
17.If ever made into a movie, who would you like to play Damian, Orson and Vanessa?
Damian would probably be Jason Momoa, and maybe Nina Dobrev for Vanessa but she'd have to turn up the evil.
18.Favorite food?
19. Favorite song?
You Shook Me All Night Long, ACDC
20. Would you consider making a playlist as a background for the future installments of the Tantric Shaman series?
I would consider it, but that would take some time.
21. How many installments do you plan to write?
That I'm not sure of yet, but several.
22. What is the next thing for you on the horizon?
Axl Dane Volume Two, out before the end of the year.
23. Would you like to say something to your old and new fans out there, go ahead give them a shout?
Thank you all! I appreciate you more than you realize. THANKS!
Thank you so much, Crow, for accepting to do this interview with The Sirens Book Reviews blog and for giving us a this kind of chance, as well. It means a lot to us all that are a part of it. We also hope to see you again regarding your next book release.
We wish you all the best.
Interview arranged and conducted under the supervision of the Sirens Book Reviews on August 30, 2016.