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~INTERVIEW with Abby Gale following her debut novel Violet.


Angel is missing. The trail ends at Club Nymph and that is where Dawn begins her search. With no clues, Dawn does the only thing she can, she leaves Dawn behind and becomes Violet, a pole dancer looking for answers. In the midst of dark and mischievous world, temptation surrounds Violet and knowing who to trust proves a perilous decision. While her nights are filled with seduction, she must protect herself at every turn. Amidst danger and hidden agendas, it becomes a race against time. Will she find the truth without endangering her own life or risking her heart in the process?


Interview with Abby Gale

Hey, Abby..thanks for doing this interview and taking your time to answer questions that would somewhat make you a bit closer to your readers.

1.Who is the person behind the name Abby Gale?

80 year old creep!! LOL Behind the name of Abby Gale there is a newly graduated girl who loves reading. I'm an avid reader and a blogger in heart. Also, a pharmacist and a newbie author with a dirty mind. I'm still young and trying to figure out the life, actually. But I'm planning on doing that as I do something I love...which is writing ;)

2.Abby Gale is your pen did you come up with that one?

I wish there was an interesting story behind that, but there is none. Abby is a different version of my real name so I wanted it to be my name. This way I don't feel like I am a stranger to myself. And when I say Abby out loud it was followed by Gale. This is how my name came up. It is simple, short and hard to forget ;)

3.What made you start writing?

I always loved writing. Even though my friends hated the essays in Literature class, that was my fav. But I could start writing only when I was in college, five years ago. I had a very vivid dream that has a story and wanted to write that. It was my first step in writing.

4.What made you set the course for you to publish your first book?

There is a Goodreads group of Alessandra Torre –Shh...I'm a proud member of that group and one day, when I mentioned about my love for writing Alessandra told me about NaNoWriMo. That was the push I needed, I think.

5.It must have been one curageous step to do that? Were you afraid or nervous of the reactions your book would receive?

It absolutely was! I wrote in English for the first time since it wasn't my main language. And yeah, I was afraid, nervous...there was every kind of emotion you can think of. But I am also stubborn so I didn't want that fear to stop me from something I wanted for so long.

5.Do you think the success would make you more eager or trepid of how will you repeat the same success?

Success always makes me eager to do more. There is a paradox of it, of course, but my main goal in writing isn't the success, I'm writing because that is my passion so I don't think I will be trepid about that. It would be so sweet seeing your passion to bring you success...

6.Can you tell us something about Violet? Who is she to you?

Violet is like a surprise baby (lol)...I had never planned on writing her story, but it just popped up in my mind and I loved her. She is like a real person to me...I mean she isn't so perfect or so smart etc. She has her own sorrow and she is trying to find a way to fix things. She is sometimes indecisive and too naive to notice some evil from time to time. She makes mistakes, she desires two men at the same time, and she doesn't really know what to do in life, but she finds a way to keep herself together and continue with her life. So she is one of us...a complex woman who is both vulnerable and strong at the same time.

7.How did you come up with the idea for your debut novel?

It wasn't planned. One day, I was listening music and I saw Violet in her pole...and after that moment I wanted to write her story. I know this sounds silly, but this is how it is.

8.Violet is a complex character, and one of her skills is pole dancing, Have you ever tried the fitness pole dancing? Would you? *wink*

I haven't tried it...yet. I love pole dancing so of course I would try soon as I can have a chance

9.For all the dancing scenes, did you have a playlist for them? If yes, can you name a few songs that went through your mind while writing those scenes?

As I wrote those scenes I sometimes listened songs, sometimes didn't. But there was always a rhythm in my mind as I wrote them. Also, I have a spotify playlist for Violet, I still add songs in it from time to time. As an example: Skin by Rihanna, Devil's Touch by Tiaan, Talking body by Tove Lo...(

10.Violet is a combination of many genres – romance, thriller, hard/easy was to combine it all into a whole piece...connecting the dots, leads...and keeping us suspenseful...can you describe to us your process of writing?

It wasn't so hard, to be honest. But it demanded a lot of focus. In Violet, we are searching for a guilty behind all those hot scenes. And as I wrote, I had a storyline in my head, but I tried to leave it as blank as I could. Till the first half of the book was done, I didn't „exactly“ know who would be „the guilty“, for example. I tried to learn with Violet...I tried to be her. And my alpha and beta readers helped me so much for creating the suspense. The mysterious POVs in the story was an idea from my beta reader and I'll appreciate her forever.

11.The main male characters are twins, physically the same – mentally, psychologically totally different...but them both combined would make a perfect man LOL, why did you choose to put in the twins instead of one hero with such complex characteristics?

Your description of them couldn't be better!As your answer...Personally, I don't believe there is a „perfect“ person out there. More than that, we don't have to be perfect! We all have our imperfections and this makes us unique. Yet, we always look for „perfect“ instead of creating that perfection with only one man (which isn't realistic to me) I wanted to give two of them the perfect and imperfect characteristics. But since you have both of them, you don't see their imperfections.

12.Between the two of them? Who would be your ultimate choice?

Hey! I wrote menage to get rid of the stress of choosing only one yet you'll make me choose one?! *sigh* matter how much I love Alex, my choice would be Xander. I have a thing for strong, brooding, domineering billionaires. LOL

13.The sex scenes were pretty steamy, how hard/easy were they to write? Did you base them on something that stuck with you from other medias or read stories or is it something you imagined alone?

Trying to keep the balance between erotica and suspense was hard...I mean, if it is too much sex or not enough dilemma. And those scenes are a mixture of all.

14.Who did you base Violet on?

There isn't a certain's more like she is her own person, but she has some reflections of me.

15.How long did it take for you to write the first draft of Violet?

I've started it on November with NaNoWriMo and the first draft was done in February.

16.And why the name Violet? Does it have a special significance?

Violet sounds sexy, mysterious, and feminine. Also, purple is one of my fav colors.

17.Which part of the heroine is more close to you? Dawn or her alter ego Violet? is complicated... I think I am just like how it is in the book. Dawn is how everyone sees me and Violet is my inner goddess.

18.What are your future plans?

As in work in progress...I'm working on a novella right now, One Night Only. It is based on a true story and so different than Violet. A Young Adult genre and it will be an emotional read.

Also, I'm almost half way through of the first draft of Angel, the second book of Club Nymph.

Other than that...I'm doing what I love and hoping to get my shit together. LOL.

19.Would you like to share something no one knows about you? *wink*

Hmm...what would it be?

I've never been outside of my country...but I want to change this situation as soon as I have a chance.

20.Do you have any special message for your readers?

I thank them for giving me a chance. I want them to be proud with their choices, find something that makes them happy, and follow their dreams...

Also, I hope they won't hesitate to get in touch with me because I love chatting with them.

21.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully, I'm gonna be in a state that most of the people in the book community have heard about me and my work. New York Times Bestseller would be a dream, but a girl can dream, right?

Abby, thank you so much for participating in this little interview. I wish you all the luck in your future work and I hope to see you again behind the scene - answering another set of questions...

Thank you so much for these great questions and for everything you've done to help me, Snow. Questions were fun to answer and your help is priceless! xoxo

Interview, conducted and arranged by Snow, August 18, 2016.


About Abby Gale

Abby Gale is an alter ego who likes to write as much as reading. She loves writing erotica with little suspense in it. Finally, she found the courage she was looking for and decided to publish her book. Abby Gale in a few words: A pharmacist, a blogger, an avid reader, and an author. VIOLET is her debut novel ;) Facebook page: Twitter page:

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